Bunny Designs
SOoooo many bunny shirts, so little time! ;-) To say nothing of the many other designs now offered: small critters, wildlife, cats, birds, great garden motifs, you name it. Please note for the adorable guinea pigs, sea otters and more click here: Small Critters & Wildlife.
Check out the many new designs!
Click the thumbnails for larger images. Click here for: Products & Prices and click here for: the Order Form.
Ordering is easy if you read the proverbial "fine print"! Basically, many designs go on LIGHT COLORS ONLY. Some go on ALL COLORS. Some designs fit adult items only (no notation needed), some also fit tote (T) bags and kids's shirts (K). Email me if you want something larger in a smaller size and sometimes I can pull some pretty neat strings ;-)
So, first, select your designs. Check for no mark (adults), the "T" (regular tote) or "K" (kids), if applicable. Check for the "LIGHTS" or "COLORS." Email me with questions and a heads' up if you are ordering. (Wow is this getting confusing? Clear as mud?) The Products Page has merchandise details and
that's where you go for that info. Please note we have a new sleepshirt, with two pockets! Very soft and comfy, but only fits size S to L.
So, go to Products page. Select items. Pick colors. Go to Order Form, fill out/send in. Email harewear@aol.com so I can make certain
everything's in stock, and if you can, do note second choices/colors in case something is unavailable. Shipping and payment instructions are spelled out.
Questions? I'm here! ;-) Thank you and the bunnies thank you!

One Planet Is All... #ul7555
NEW - All Colors

Strange Dog! I was able to get more! Yay!

Cat Hare!
Lights. 6 only.

Beachcomber Bun

Beach Bunny

The Bun Family
Looks great on All Colors

Dwarf Bunny & Butterfly
Lights, K,T

3 Fuzzy Bunnies #a1099bpw
Lights- 6 only

Tulip Lops is BACK!
Lights; K,T |

Snow Bunny is back!
Lights, 4 only. |

Daisy Browns #6529ws
All Colors- 2 only
 Bunny Flute Lights, K,T |

Angel Bun tlp6543

Angel and Friends tlp 6544
Lights, K,T

Proverbs Bunny #A1494G
All Colors

Nose Buns #A5979fpw

Lolita Lop #A6588bpw
Lights, 6 only. T

Lookout Bunny #a8161a
Lights. K,T.

All Colors, versatile. A FAVORITE!

Bunny Bend
Lights, K,T

Californian Nosebuns #6510
So cute! Lights

Lop Pansies #9782ws

PB 10th Anniversary
2 Only, size M and L

Brown Buns&Butterflies
4 only. Lights, K,T.

Basket Bunny- Lights, 4 only

Wish'n'Well Buns
All Colors

All Colors; Text optional; T,K |

Dutch Buns
All colors- 8 only

Mom Friend #86966AW
All Colors, 2 only. K,T

Mom Hugs #86964aw
All Colors- 6 only. K,T

Grandma Hugs
All Colors, TWO only. K,T. |

Bunny Love

Hello Bunny!
NEW! Great Design. All Colors. K,T

Honey Bunnies
2 only; text optional; LIGHTS, K,T

Creatures Large and Small
Lights. 3 left. |

NEW!! Wildflowers Cat & Bunny
All Colors. (Shown on black)

Cat Slippers
All Colors. Sorry, out just now.

Gangsta Bun You asked-- I got him!
All Colors. T, K.

"Rhonda's Brown Bunny"
Lights. Supply Limited.

"Rhonda's Brown w/ Quotation"
Lights. Again, Limited.
Some classic designs, ALL Limited - give 2nd choice:

"I Hab an Attitude" (that's Riley!)
Original artwork. Lights,T.

"Here Comes Trouble!" Original art. White,Natural,T,K.

"Follow Yur Dreamz!" Original art. White,Natural,T,K.

When Rabbits Dream
Original art. Lights,T

"Press Any Key..."
NEW original art With AT (Angry Trousers!) White/Natural. T,K

"Press Any Key..." Triangle
Cute off-geometric design. White/Natural. T,K

"I don't do Windows" (Oscar!) White,Natural,T,K

"Takes a Computer"
Lights. T,K

"Project Bunway"
Lights. T,K

"Dare to be Different"
Navy and Red print. Norman!! Lights. T,K

"Dare to be Different"
Red and Navy print. Lights. T,K

"Dare to be Different"
Blue and black print. Lights. T,K

Chef Wally -- Front
White/Natural. Limited. T,K

Chef Wally-- Back
White/Natural. Add $6 for Front & Back shirt or tote.

RIFRAF- Resistance is Futile, Rabbits r Forever!
Lights. 2 only. T,K

"As Good As It Gets"
(features Beezer & Sundae) Lights. T,K

YES!! I can put YOUR BUNNY (or Skittles, here) on a shirt!
Just $5 for custom image. T,K
Embroidered Shirts:

Brown Rabbit

Beige Bunny

Guinea Pig

Nutster Squirrel